Source code for forward.phenotype.db

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This module is used to formalize the expected phenotype structure for forward.
It's role is to provide a reusable interface to feed phenotype (and covariate)
data to the statistical engine.


import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from ..statistics.utilities import inverse_normal_transformation
from ..utils import abstract, dispatch_methods, expand

__all__ = ["ExcelPhenotypeDatabase"]

[docs]class AbstractPhenotypeDatabase(object): """Abstract class representing a collection of phenotypes. This class parses the phenotype information source (e.g. flat files, excel files, relational database or anything else). It is the responsibility of the phenotype database to handle phenotype based exclusions and transformations. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): dispatch_methods(self, kwargs)
[docs] def get_phenotypes(self): """Returns a list of phenotypes available in this database. :returns: List of available phenotype names. :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_phenotype_vector(self, name): """Returns a numpy array representing the selected outcome for all samples. :param name: The Variable object representing the phenotype to extract. :type name: :py:class:`forward.phenotype.variables.Variable` :returns: A vector representing the outcome. :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` This is one of the most important methods as it is Forward's way of accessing all phenotypic information (it should be as efficient as possible). Missing values should be represented using Numpy NaNs. .. note:: Experiment objects will call :py:func:`set_sample_order` with the results from the genotype container's :py:func:`get_sample_order` to ensure consistency. This means that the order of the samples in this vector should be the same as the sample order for the genotype container. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_experiment_variables(self, variables): """Signal by the experiment describing the subset of variables that will be analyzed. :param variables: List of :py:class:`forward.phenotype.variables.Variable` :type variables: list This method can be used to compute the exclusions for discrete variables based on correlation. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_sample_order(self, sequence, allow_subset=False): """Set the order of the samples. :param sequence: List of sample IDs. :type sequence: list :param allow_subset: If true, the provided sequence is allowed to contain only some of the IDs from the initial list. :type allow_subset: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_sample_order(self): """Get the order of the samples. :returns: A list of samples in the same order as the phenotype vector. :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_phenotype_relation_threshold(self): """Get the threshold set by exclude_correlated.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def exclude_correlated(self, threshold): """Exclude correlated samples from controls. :param threshold: A correlation coefficien threshold for exclusions. :type threshold: float In phenomic studies, it is common to exclude samples from controls if they are affected by a correlated phenotype. This is often described through the concept of "disease groups". A threshold of 0.8 means that if two discrete phenotypes A and B have a correlation coefficient >= 0.8, samples that are cases for A will be excluded from the control group of B and vice versa. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def validate_sample_sequences(old_seq, new_seq, allow_subset): """Compares sample sequences to validate the new sequence order. :param old_seq: The initial order of samples. :type old_seq: iterable :param new_seq: The new order of samples. :type new_seq: iterable :param allow_subset: If False, this method will raise ValueErrors if the new sequence is a subset of the old sequence. :type allow_subset: bool This can optionally be used by subclasses when writing the `set_sample_order` method. We recommend using this method to properly log relevant information. If samples are missing from the new seq, a warning will be displayed. If new samples are added, a ValueError will be raised. """ # Make sure that all the elements are in the provided sequence. old_seq = set(old_seq) new_seq = set(new_seq) missing = old_seq - new_seq extra = new_seq - old_seq if (not allow_subset) and missing: message = ("Can't set the sequence because some entries are " "missing resulting in ambiguous order.") raise ValueError(message) elif missing: message = ("Some samples were discarded when reordering " "phenotype information ({} samples discarded). This " "could be because no genotype information is " "available for these samples.") message = message.format(len(missing)) logger.warning(message) if extra: extra = ", ".join(extra) raise ValueError("Some of the given samples are not in the " "phenotype database ({}).".format(extra))
[docs] def get_correlation_matrix(self, names): """Get a correlation matrix for the specified names. :param names: A list of variable names. :type names: list :returns: A correlation matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray This is useful to exclude correlated phenotypes as controls. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@abstract class PandasPhenotypeDatabase(AbstractPhenotypeDatabase): def __init__(self, sample_column, **kwargs): # Set the sample column as the index.[sample_column] =[sample_column].astype(str) =, verify_integrity=True) # User will be warned if the required sample order was not defined. self._order_is_set = False self.variables = None # Call parent to dispatch method calls. super(PandasPhenotypeDatabase, self).__init__(**kwargs) def get_phenotypes(self): return list( def set_experiment_variables(self, variables): self.variables = variables # Check if the user asked for exclusions. if not hasattr(self, "_exclusions_were_initialized"): return # Check if the exclusions were already initialized. if self._exclusions_were_initialized: raise Exception("Can't set the experiment variables after " "exclusions were initialized.") # Compute the exclusions. names = [ for v in variables] mat = self.get_correlation_matrix(names) for var in variables: # Exclusions are irrelevant for quantitative traits. if var.variable_type != "discrete": continue if var.is_covariate: continue y = self.get_phenotype_vector(var) # Check for correlated variables. i = names.index( for j in np.where(abs(mat[i, :]) >= self._exclusion_threshold)[0]: if j != i: # j is a candidate related outcome. valid = (variables[j].variable_type == "discrete" and not variables[j].is_covariate) if valid: # Exclude and write down. related_phenotype_y = self.get_phenotype_vector( variables[j] ) mask = (y == 0) & (related_phenotype_y == 1)[mask,] = np.nan n = np.sum(mask) self._exclusion_mappings.add( (, names[j], mat[i, j], n) ) def set_sample_order(self, sequence, allow_subset=False): ExcelPhenotypeDatabase.validate_sample_sequences( self.get_sample_order(warn=False), sequence, allow_subset ) =[sequence, :] self._order_is_set = True def get_sample_order(self, warn=True): if not self._order_is_set and warn: logger.warning("No sample order was given for the phenotype " "database.") return list( def get_phenotype_vector(self, variable, warn=True): if not self._order_is_set and warn: logger.warning("The order of samples for the database has not " "been set. Make sure that it is consistent with " "the genetic database (consistent order).") if not variable.is_variable(): raise ValueError( "'{}' is not a Variable instance (type: {}).".format( variable, type(variable) ) ) name = if name not in raise ValueError("'{}' is not in the database.".format(name)) vect =[:, name].values if variable.variable_type == "continuous" and variable.transformation: vect = apply_transformation(variable.transformation, vect) return vect def exclude_correlated(self, threshold): """This is called if the user specified it in the configuration. Because we need the Variables to properly compute the exclusions, we will just remember that the user wants exclusions and wait for the experiment to pass the variables to define the exclusion mappings. """ self._exclusion_threshold = threshold self._exclusion_mappings = set() self._exclusions_were_initialized = False def get_phenotype_relation_threshold(self): return getattr(self, "_exclusion_threshold", None) def get_correlation_matrix(self, names): return[names].corr().values
[docs]class CSVPhenotypeDatabase(PandasPhenotypeDatabase): """Collection of phenotypes based on a CSV file.""" def __init__(self, filename, sample_column, **kwargs): self.filename = expand(filename) csv_allowed_kwargs = ["sep", "compression", "header", "skiprows", "names", "na_values", "decimal"] csv_kwargs = {} for k in kwargs: if k in csv_allowed_kwargs: csv_kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) = pd.read_csv(self.filename, *csv_kwargs) # The arguments that are not feed to the pandas csv reader are assumed # to be method calls and will be dispatched by the parent. super(CSVPhenotypeDatabase, self).__init__(sample_column, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExcelPhenotypeDatabase(PandasPhenotypeDatabase): """Collection of phenotypes based on an Excel file. Only the first sheet is considered. """ def __init__(self, filename, sample_column, missing_values=None, **kwargs): self.filename = expand(filename) = pd.read_excel(self.filename, na_values=missing_values) super(ExcelPhenotypeDatabase, self).__init__(sample_column, **kwargs)
def apply_transformation(transformation, vector): """Apply a transformation to a continuous variable.""" transformations = { "log": np.log, "inverse-normal-transform": inverse_normal_transformation, } if transformation not in transformations: raise ValueError("Invalid transformation '{}'.".format(transformation)) else: return transformations[transformation](vector)