Source code for forward.experiment

# This file is part of forward.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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This module provides ways to manage experiments. The experiment objects can
be parsed from the CLI, a yaml configuration file or, eventually, a web

Overall goals for this module will be to provide:

    - Good organization of experiments aiming at a better reproductibility.
    - Aggregating and writing analysis meta data, results files and databases.


import os
import shutil
import datetime
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import sqlalchemy
import h5py
from sqlalchemy import (Column, Enum, String, Float, ForeignKey, Integer,
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle

from . import SQLAlchemySession, SQLAlchemyBase, FORWARD_INIT_TIME
from .utils import format_time_delta
from .phenotype.variables import (Variable, DiscreteVariable,
                                  ContinuousVariable, TRANSFORMATIONS)

result_tables = []

def result_table(cls):
    """Decorator to register result extensions.

    These classes' tables will automatically be created.

    global result_tables
    return cls

class RelatedPhenotypesExclusions(SQLAlchemyBase):
    """Record of the related phenotypes when the user asked for correlation
    based exclusions.

    When phenotypes are related (correlated), it is common practice in pheWAS
    to exclude samples that are unaffected for the considered outcome but
    affected for a correlated outcome. This keeps track of such exclusions.

    An important remark is that the sum of exclusions does not make up the
    total number of NAs, as we also need to count actual missing values.

    __tablename__ = "related_phenotypes_exclusions"

    phen1 = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True)
    phen2 = Column(ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True)
    correlation = Column(Float())
    n_excluded = Column(Integer())

[docs]class ExperimentResult(SQLAlchemyBase): """SQLAlchemy class to handle experimental results. +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | Column | Description | Type | +=========================+==================================+============+ | pk | The primary key (autoincrement) | Integer | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | tested_entity | Either 'variant' or 'snp-set' | Enum | | | depending on the test. | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | results_type | Polymorphic identity to identify | String(25) | | | (default: 'GenericResults') | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | task_name | Name of the task | String(25) | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | entity_name | Variant or snp set identifier | String(25) | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | phenotype | Tested outcome | String(30) | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | significance | Significance value (`e.g.` | Float | | | p-value) | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | coefficient | Effect coefficient (`e.g.` beta) | Float | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | test_statistic | Statistical test statistic | Float | | | (`e.g.` t-test statistic) | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | standard_error | Standard error of the coefficient| Float | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | confidence_interval_min | Lower bound of the 95% CI on the | Float | | | coefficient | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ | confidence_interval_max | Higher bound of the 95% CI on | Float | | | the coefficient | | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+------------+ .. todo:: This could potentially be refactored so that tested_entity is a foreign key to the forward.genotype.Variant class. This would require using concrete table inheritance. """ __tablename__ = "results" # Id pk = Column(Integer, Sequence('result_id_seq'), primary_key=True) # Test information tested_entity = Column(Enum("variant", "snp-set"), default="variant") results_type = Column(String(25)) task_name = Column(String(25)) entity_name = Column(String(25)) phenotype = Column(String(30)) sqlalchemy.UniqueConstraint( "task_name", "entity_name", "phenotype", name="result_id" ) # Statistics significance = Column(Float()) # e.g. p-value coefficient = Column(Float()) # e.g. beta test_statistic = Column(Float()) # e.g. the Beta = 0, t-test statistic. standard_error = Column(Float()) confidence_interval_min = Column(Float()) # min of 95% CI on coefficient confidence_interval_max = Column(Float()) # max of 95% CI on coefficient __mapper_args__ = { "polymorphic_on": results_type, "polymorphic_identity": "GenericResults", "with_polymorphic": "*", }
class Experiment(object): """Class representing an experiment.""" def __init__(self, name, phenotype_container, genotype_container, variables, tasks, build, cpu=1): # Create a directory for the experiment. try: os.makedirs(name) except OSError as e: logger.critical("Please delete the {} directory manually if you " "want to overwrite it. Alternatively, choose " "another experiment name.".format(name)) raise e # Create a sqlalchemy engine and bind it to the session. self.engine = Experiment.get_engine(name, "sqlite") SQLAlchemySession.configure(bind=self.engine) self.session = SQLAlchemySession() # Bind the different components. = name self.phenotypes = phenotype_container self.genotypes = genotype_container self.variables = variables self.tasks = list(tasks) = {} self.cpu = max(1, cpu) = build"The build set for this experiment is {}.".format(build)) # Make the genotypes and phenotypes sample order consistent. self.phenotypes.set_sample_order(self.genotypes.get_sample_order(), allow_subset=True) # Do experiment initialization on the database objects. self.genotypes.experiment_init(self) self.experiment_info_init() self.results_init() # Initialize the variables (generates some statistics). self.variables_init() def experiment_info_init(self): """Initialize a dict containing experiment metadata."""{ "name":, "engine_url": str(self.engine.url), "start_time": FORWARD_INIT_TIME, "build": }) # TODO using this constant will not be representative if the user is # not using the scripts/ def results_init(self): """Initialize the results table.""" for cls in result_tables: getattr(cls, "__table__").create(self.engine) def variables_init(self): """Initialize the variables table and computes some statistics.""" for obj in (Variable, DiscreteVariable, ContinuousVariable): obj.__table__.create(self.engine) for variable in self.variables: # Check the validity of the transformation. if hasattr(variable, "transformation"): transformation = variable.transformation if transformation and transformation not in TRANSFORMATIONS: msg = ("Invalid transformation {}. Recognized " "transformations are: {}.") msg = msg.format( variable.transformation, ", ".join(TRANSFORMATIONS) ) raise ValueError(msg) variable.compute_statistics(self.phenotypes) self.session.add(variable) self.session.commit() # Serialize all the outcome data to disk using hdf5. # This is useful for the backend. hdf5_filename = os.path.join(, "phenotypes.hdf5") hdf5_file = h5py.File(hdf5_filename, "w") for variable in self.variables: v = self.phenotypes.get_phenotype_vector(variable) hdf5_file.create_dataset(, data=v) hdf5_file.close() # We also compute a correlation matrix and serialize it. var_names = [ for var in self.variables] corr_mat = self.phenotypes.get_correlation_matrix(var_names) mat_filename = os.path.join(, "phen_correlation_matrix.npy"), corr_mat) # Set the variables list on the phenotype database side. self.phenotypes.set_experiment_variables(self.variables) corr_thresh = self.phenotypes.get_phenotype_relation_threshold(){ "phen_correlation": mat_filename, "outcomes": var_names, "phenotype_correlation_for_exclusion": corr_thresh }) def add_result(self, **kwargs): """Add a result to the experiment database. The named parameters should be columns in the database and their arguments should have the right type. An InterfaceError will be raised by the ORM if it doesn't understand the data. """ result = ExperimentResult(**kwargs) self.session.add(result) @staticmethod def get_engine(experiment_name, engine_type): """Get an SQLAlchemy engine for a given experiment.""" if engine_type == "sqlite": db_path = os.path.join(experiment_name, "forward_database.db") db_url = "sqlite:///{}".format(db_path) return sqlalchemy.create_engine(db_url) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only sqlite is supported (for now).") def _write_exclusions(self): # Check if exclusions were made. try: exclusions = self.phenotypes._exclusion_mappings except Exception: logger.debug("Could not access the exclusions from the phenotype " "database.") return # Create the table. RelatedPhenotypesExclusions.__table__.create(self.engine) for phen1, phen2, correlation, n in exclusions: self.session.add_all([ RelatedPhenotypesExclusions(phen1=phen1, phen2=phen2, correlation=correlation, n_excluded=n) ]) self.session.commit() def run_tasks(self): """Run the tasks registered for this experiment. This method takes care of the following: - Create a task-specific work directory. - Call the task's `done()` method to insure clean up code is executed. - Commit the database (after all tasks are executed). - Set the walltime for the experiment. - Write the experiment metadata to disk in the experiment folder when everything is over. """ # Create a directory for tasks to be able to have meta-data. tasks_dir = os.path.join(, "tasks") for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks): task_id = "task{}_{}".format(i, task.__class__.__name__) work_dir = os.path.join(tasks_dir, task_id) os.makedirs(work_dir) task.run_task(self, task_id, work_dir) task.done() # Commit the database. self.session.commit() # Write the exclusions that were made based on related phenotypes to # the database. self._write_exclusions() # All tasks are done, set the walltime.["walltime"] = ( -["start_time"]) # Write the metadata to disk. with open(os.path.join(, "experiment_info.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(, f) # If we know what yaml file was used, we copy it. yaml ="configuration") if yaml is not None and os.path.isfile(yaml): shutil.copyfile( yaml, os.path.join(, "configuration.yaml") )"Completed all tasks in {}.".format( format_time_delta(["walltime"]) ))