Source code for forward.backend

# This file is part of forward.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to Creative
# Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

This module is a flask backend providing a REST api to add interactivity
to the report.

The backend needs to be able to restore the phenotype database functionality
and be able to generate plots.

These methods will return json to the report. Alternatively, they will return
the native python objects. This way, the functionality will all be here and
everything that's related to the report's content and formatting will be in the
report module.


from __future__ import division

import json
import os
import collections

import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import h5py
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import func
import pygments
from pygments.lexers import YamlLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)

from . import genotype, experiment
from . import FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT, STATIC_ROOT, SQLAlchemySession, tasks
from .phenotype.variables import Variable, DiscreteVariable, ContinuousVariable
from .phenotype.db import apply_transformation
from .utils import format_time_delta

www_backend = None
BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

[docs]class Backend(object): """Class that provides all api functionality to be used for both report creation and the rest api. """ def __init__(self, experiment_name): self.engine = experiment.Experiment.get_engine( experiment_name, "sqlite" ) SQLAlchemySession.configure(bind=self.engine) self.session = SQLAlchemySession() self.hdf5_file = h5py.File( os.path.join(experiment_name, "phenotypes.hdf5"), "r" ) self.config = os.path.join(experiment_name, "configuration.yaml") if not os.path.isfile(self.config): self.config = None # Experiment info. filename = os.path.join(experiment_name, "experiment_info.pkl") with open(filename, "rb") as f: = pickle.load(f) # Task info. self.task_info = {} path = os.path.join(experiment_name, "tasks") for task_dir in os.listdir(path): info_path = os.path.join(path, task_dir, "task_info.pkl") if os.path.isfile(info_path): with open(info_path, "rb") as f: self.task_info[task_dir] = pickle.load(f) # Correlation matrix. filename = os.path.join(experiment_name, "phen_correlation_matrix.npy") self.correlation_matrix = np.load(filename)
[docs] def get_variants(self, add_maf=False): """Get a list of variants and related fields.""" variants = self.session.query(genotype.Variant).all() if not add_maf: return [v.to_json() for v in variants] response = [] for v in variants: d = v.to_json() d["maf"] = v.maf response.append(d) return response
[docs] def get_variables(self, var_type=None, order_by=None, ascending=True): """Get the variables that were analysed in the experiment. :param var_type: Restrict to "discrete" or "continuous" variables (optional, default is None). :type var_type: str :param order_by: Key of the Variable instance for results ordering. :type ordering: str :param ascending: Flag to determine sorting order. :type ascending: bool """ if var_type is None: variable_class = Variable elif var_type == "discrete": variable_class = DiscreteVariable elif var_type == "continuous": variable_class = ContinuousVariable else: raise ValueError("Unknown variable type '{}'.".format(var_type)) variables = self.session.query(variable_class) if order_by is not None: key = getattr(variable_class, order_by) if not ascending: key = sqlalchemy.desc(key) variables = variables.order_by(key) return [variable.to_json() for variable in variables.all()]
[docs] def get_outcome_vector(self, variable, transformation=None, nan=True): """Get an outcome vector (y). :param variable: The variable to query. :type variable: Numpy-like array :param transformation: The name of the transformation to apply (e.g. log) :type transformation: str :param nan: If False, the returned vector will be stripped of NaN values. :type nan: bool .. note:: This is parsed from the hdf5 file that is automatically created. """ try: y = self.hdf5_file[variable] except KeyError: msg = "Could not find variable {} in serialized file." raise ValueError(msg.format(variable)) if transformation: y = apply_transformation(transformation, y) if not nan: y = y[~np.isnan(y)] return y
[docs] def get_variable_histogram(self, variable, transformation=None, **kwargs): """Get the bin counts for a given variable. This returns the numpy histogram's function values. """ y = self.get_outcome_vector(variable, transformation, nan=False) return np.histogram(y, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_variable_normal_qqplot(self, variable, transformation=None): """Get scatter values for a normal QQ plot associated with a variable. """ obs = self.get_outcome_vector(variable, transformation, nan=False) obs = sorted(obs) # Compare to a N(mu, sigma) mu = np.mean(obs) std = np.std(obs) # Generate the expected (we use the offsetting strategy that # statsmodels uses). a = 0 n = len(obs) exp = scipy.stats.norm.ppf( (np.arange(1, n + 1) - a) / (n - 2 * a + 1), loc=mu, scale=std ) # Fit a regression line. m, b = self._fit_line(obs, exp) return exp, obs, m, b
[docs] def get_variable_corrplot(self): """Get the correlation matrix and the row/column names.""" names =["outcomes"] corr_mat = self.correlation_matrix return corr_mat, names
[docs] def get_tasks(self): """Get a list of task names that were conducted in this experiment.""" tasks = self.session.query( experiment.ExperimentResult.task_name ).distinct() return [tu[0] for tu in tasks]
[docs] def get_task_info(self, task): """Get the serialized information associated with a task.""" if task not in self.task_info: return None return self.task_info[task]
[docs] def p_value_qq_plot(self, task): """Return the scatter data and confidence bands. This is assuming we're expecting a uniform distribution. We also take a log transform to accentuate small differences. .. code-block:: json out = { "ci": [(ci_low, ci_high)], "outcomes": ["phen1", "phen2", ...], "expected": [exp1, exp2, ...], "lines": { "phen1": [obs1, obs2, ...], "phen2": [obs1, obs2, ...], ... } } """ # Get the association p values (or other significance metric). # expected, observed, ci, phenotype, variant, effect. results = self.session.query(experiment.ExperimentResult)\ .filter(\ .order_by(experiment.ExperimentResult.phenotype, experiment.ExperimentResult.significance) # Get the number of tests per phenotype. test_by_phen = self.session.query( func.count(experiment.ExperimentResult.phenotype), experiment.ExperimentResult.phenotype )\ .filter(\ .group_by(experiment.ExperimentResult.phenotype) n = {i[0] for i in test_by_phen} if len(n) == 0: raise ValueError( "Could not find results for task LIKE '{}'.".format(task) ) if len(n) != 1: raise ValueError("Outcomes in this task have a different number " "of tests so that they can't (easily) be shown " "on the same QQ plot.") n = n.pop() ppf = scipy.stats.beta.ppf phenotype = None rank = 1 ranks = np.arange(1, n + 1) out = { "n": n, "ci": zip( -1 * np.log10(ppf(0.975, ranks, n - ranks + 1)), -1 * np.log10(ppf(0.025, ranks, n - ranks + 1)), ), "outcomes": [], "lines": collections.defaultdict(list), } out["expected"] = -1 * np.log10(ranks / n) out["bounds_expected"] = ( np.min(out["expected"]), np.max(out["expected"]) ) out["expected"] = list(out["expected"]) out["bounds_observed"] = [float("+infinity"), float("-infinity")] for res in results: if phenotype is None: # First phenotype. phenotype = res.phenotype out["outcomes"].append(phenotype) elif phenotype != res.phenotype: # We finished one outcome, we're doing another so we need to # reset the rank and set this new phenotype as the current one. rank = 1 phenotype = res.phenotype out["outcomes"].append(phenotype) observed = -1 * np.log10(res.significance) out["bounds_observed"][0] = min( observed, out["bounds_observed"][0] ) out["bounds_observed"][1] = max( observed, out["bounds_observed"][1] ) out["lines"][phenotype].append(observed) rank += 1 return out
[docs] def get_results(self, task, filters=[], order_by=None, ascending=True): """Get the results for a specific analysis.""" cls = experiment.ExperimentResult results = self.session.query(cls).filter( if order_by is not None: field = getattr(cls, order_by, order_by) if not ascending: field = sqlalchemy.desc(field) results = results.order_by(field) if filters: for f in filters: results = results.filter(f) results = [e.to_json() for e in results.all()] if not results: return [] # If the entity type is variant, we will fetch information on them in # the variants table. if results[0]["tested_entity"] == "variant": variants_dict = {} for var in self.session.query(genotype.Variant).all(): variants_dict[] = var for res in results: info = variants_dict.get(res["entity_name"]).to_json() if info is None: msg = "Could not find variant {} in database.".format( res["entity_name"] ) raise ValueError(msg) res.pop("entity_name") res["variant"] = info return results
[docs] def get_bonferonni(self, task_name, alpha): """Get the Bonferonni adjusted alpha for a given task.""" try: n_tests, _ = self.session.query( sqlalchemy.func.count( experiment.ExperimentResult.task_name ), experiment.ExperimentResult.task_name ).filter( ).group_by(experiment.ExperimentResult.task_name).one() except Exception: return None return alpha / n_tests
[docs] def get_configuration(self): """Return the YAML configuration file.""" if self.config is not None: with open(self.config, "r") as f: return
def _fit_line(self, y, x): m, b, r, p, stderr = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y) return m, b
[docs]def initialize_application(experiment_name): """Initialize database connection and bind to the application context.""" global www_backend www_backend = Backend(experiment_name)
@app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT) def empty_report(): return render_template("default.html", STATIC_ROOT=STATIC_ROOT) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/info.json") def api_experiment_info(): info = info["start_time"] = info["start_time"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S") info["walltime"] = format_time_delta(info["walltime"]) return json.dumps(info) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/variants.json") def api_get_variants(): order_by = request.args.get("order_by", None) ascending = parse_bool(request.args.get("ascending", "true")) li = www_backend.get_variants(add_maf=True) if order_by is not None: li = sorted(li, key=lambda x: x[order_by], reverse=(not ascending)) return json.dumps(li) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/variables.json") def api_get_variables(): var_type = request.args.get("type", None) order_by = request.args.get("order_by", None) ascending = parse_bool(request.args.get("ascending", "true")) return json.dumps( www_backend.get_variables(var_type=var_type, order_by=order_by, ascending=ascending) ) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/exclusions.json") def api_get_related_phenotypes_exclusions(): order_by = request.args.get("order_by", None) ascending = parse_bool(request.args.get("ascending", "true")) # Parse into a list (easier to use from ReactJS). li = [] exclusions = www_backend.get_related_phenotypes_exclusions()["exclusions"] for k in exclusions: d = exclusions[k] d.update({"phenotype": k}) li.append(d) if order_by is not None: if order_by == "related": def key(x): return ",".join(x["related"]) else: key = lambda x: x[order_by] li = sorted(li, key=key, reverse=(not ascending)) return json.dumps(li) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/variables/data.json") def api_get_outcome_vector(): variable, transformation = _variable_arg_check(request) try: v = nan_to_none( www_backend.get_outcome_vector(variable, transformation) ) return json.dumps(v) except ValueError: raise InvalidAPIUsage("Could not find variable {}.".format(variable)) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/variables/plots/histogram.json") def api_histogram(): variable, transformation = _variable_arg_check(request) kwargs = {} bins = request.args.get("bins") if bins: kwargs["bins"] = int(bins) try: hist, edges = www_backend.get_variable_histogram( variable, transformation, **kwargs ) except ValueError: raise InvalidAPIUsage("Could not find variable {}.".format(variable)) return json.dumps({ "hist": nan_to_none(hist), "edges": nan_to_none(edges) }) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/variables/plots/normalqq.json") def api_normal_qq(): variable, transformation = _variable_arg_check(request) try: exp, obs, m, b = www_backend.get_variable_normal_qqplot( variable, transformation ) except ValueError: raise InvalidAPIUsage("Could not find variable {}.".format(variable)) return json.dumps({ "expected": nan_to_none(exp), "observed": nan_to_none(obs), "xLimits": [np.min(exp), np.max(exp)], "yLimits": [np.min(obs), np.max(obs)], "m": m, "b": b }) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/variables/plots/correlation_plot.json") def api_correlation_plot(): data, names = www_backend.get_variable_corrplot() return jsonify(data=[list(row) for row in data], names=names) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/tasks.json") def api_tasks(): tasks = www_backend.get_tasks() for i in range(len(tasks)): name, task_type = tasks[i].split("_") tasks[i] = {"name": name, "type": task_type} return jsonify(tasks=tasks) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/results.json") def api_task_results(): task = request.args.get("task") p_thresh = request.args.get("pthresh", 0.05) order_by = request.args.get("order_by", None) ascending = parse_bool(request.args.get("ascending", "true")) if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") task = "{}_%".format(task) # Used to match without the type. filters = [ experiment.ExperimentResult.significance <= p_thresh, ] sort_by_variant = False if order_by == "variant": order_by = None sort_by_variant = True sort_by_delta_rsq = False if order_by == "delta_rsquared": order_by = None sort_by_delta_rsq = True results = www_backend.get_results(task, filters, order_by, ascending) # If the task is a linear regression, we also give the delta R^2. info = www_backend.get_task_info(task[:-1] + "LinearTest") if info and "null_model_rsquared" in info: null_model_rsquared = info["null_model_rsquared"] for d in results: d["delta_rsquared"] = ( null_model_rsquared[d["phenotype"]] - d["adjusted_r_squared"] ) if d["delta_rsquared"] < 0: # We had no gain in variance explained. d["delta_rsquared"] = 0 if sort_by_variant: results = sorted( results, key=lambda x: x["variant"]["name"], reverse=(not ascending) ) if sort_by_delta_rsq: results = sorted( results, key=lambda x: x["delta_rsquared"], reverse=(not ascending) ) return jsonify(results=results) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/plots/qqpvalue.json") def api_p_value_qqplot(): task = request.args.get("task") if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") task = "{}_%".format(task) # Used to match without the type. return json.dumps(www_backend.p_value_qq_plot(task)) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/info.json") def api_task_info(): task = request.args.get("task") if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") info = www_backend.get_task_info(task) if info is None: info = { "success": False, "message": "Could not find task '{}'.".format(task) } return json.dumps(info) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/corrections/bonferonni.json") def api_bonferonni(): task = request.args.get("task") if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") alpha = request.args.get("alpha") try: alpha = float(alpha) except Exception: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A float 'alpha' parameter is expected.") task = "{}_%".format(task) # Used to match without the type. return json.dumps({ "alpha": www_backend.get_bonferonni(task, alpha) }) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/logistic_section.html") def task_rendered_logistic(): task = request.args.get("task") if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") return render_template("logistictest.html", task=task) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/tasks/linear_section.html") def task_rendered_linear(): task = request.args.get("task") if task is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'task' parameter is expected.") return render_template("lineartest.html", task=task) @app.route(FORWARD_REPORT_ROOT + "/experiment/yaml_configuration.html")
[docs]def api_get_yaml_configuration(): """Returns a pygmentized version of the configuration file.""" yaml = www_backend.get_configuration() return pygments.highlight( yaml, YamlLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="pygments-highlight") )
def _variable_arg_check(request): variable = request.args.get("name") transformation = request.args.get("transformation") if variable is None: raise InvalidAPIUsage("A 'name' parameter is expected.") return variable, transformation class InvalidAPIUsage(Exception): def __init__(self, message, status_code=400, payload=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = message self.status_code = status_code self.payload = payload def to_dict(self): rv = dict(self.payload or ()) rv['message'] = self.message return rv @app.errorhandler(InvalidAPIUsage) def handle_invalid_usage(error): response = jsonify(error.to_dict()) response.status_code = error.status_code return response def serve(): def nan_to_none(li): li = list(li) for i, val in enumerate(li): if np.isnan(val): li[i] = None return li def parse_bool(b): b = b.lower() if b == "true": b = True elif b == "false" or b == "": b = False else: raise ValueError("Can't parse bool from '{}'.".format(b)) return b